Blue Light Call Box Information

Blue Light Call Box Information

Anyone on campus requiring security assistance has access to several Security Blue Light Call Boxes. These call boxes can be used for emergency and non-emergency assistance (medical emergencies, disabled vehicles, etc.).

They are simple to operate. Just press and release the red button and follow the voice instructions. You will initially hear a telephone-ringing sound identifying the call box location, followed by voice instructions and then confirmation that assistance is on the way. The location of the call box is broadcast over the security channel on the portable radios that all security guards carry.

At this point, a security guard will contact you over the call box to ascertain what kind of assistance you require. You then press and hold the red button to talk and release to listen.

It is important that you answer the guard. If the guards get no response from you and the CCTV footage can't be accessed fast enough, we will assume that it is an emergency and several guards will respond to your location immediately.

In addition to the Blue Light Call Boxes, you can call 631.687.2424, or in the event of a power outage or to text if you cannot talk use 917.209.3625 . You can also dial the number three (3) on any campus phone to reach security 24/7. 

Blue Light Call Box Locations — Long Island Campus

  1. The Center for Counseling and Wellness parking lot (319 West Roe Blvd.)
  2. Main faculty parking lot
  3. Rear faculty parking lot
  4. Clare Rose Playhouse parking lot
  5. Main student lot — north of Danzi Center
  6. Main student lot — north side
  7. Main student lot — security booth
  8. Main student lot — south side (parallel with Savannah Blvd.)
  9. Main student lot — rear of Danzi Center
  10. Faculty/student lot entrance (Audubon Ave.)
  11. Waverly Avenue lot entrance (Champlain Ave.)