Student Life

Student Life

Life outside of the classroom at St. Joseph's University, New York is one of the best parts of the college experience.

Our campuses are vibrant with activities, and our proactive students inject energy and creativity into more than 25 clubs and organizations.

That’s where you come in. Join a club — or start a new one. Make interesting friends who you’ll keep for a lifetime. Discover your leadership potential. Dive into the arts. Enjoy the rigors of an intramural athletic team. Reap the rewards of community service. The possibilities are nearly endless and will help you make the most of the opportunities at St. Joseph's University.

Student Life Offices

Office of Student Life

Long Island
Office of Student Life

Omila HarilalOmila Harilal ’20 • English and Secondary Education Major 

"I am a part of Writer's Workshop. It is a great way to express my ideas freely and capture my abstract thoughts onto a tangible piece of work. Writing has always been my passion and, because of this club, I'm able to appreciate and build upon it. The club also helps us writers to meet new people who are willing to openly share their talents and skills with one another."

Brooklyn Student Life Image

Brooklyn Student Life

Find ways to get involved on campus and in the community. Click here to learn more.

Long Island Student Life Image

Long Island Student Life

Discover your strengths and develop your potential. Click here to learn more.