Hospitality and Tourism Management

Hospitality and Tourism Management

With an HTM degree, students graduate from St. Joseph's University, New York well prepared for a career in one of the world’s largest industries. The need for capable, experienced professionals in hospitality and tourism has never been greater, as these areas continue to grow and provide a major opportunity for employment.

The B.S. in Hospitality and Tourism Management embodies the civic mission of the University by serving the needs of our students, neighboring communities and the region. While today's HTM professionals must have knowledge specific to their areas of concentration, they also benefit from a strong foundation in the humanities, behavioral sciences, social sciences and natural sciences. As such, all hospitality and tourism management majors at St. Joseph's are required to complete 60 liberal arts credits to enhance their logical reasoning, critical thinking and ethical decision making. Both the major and minor in HTM place strong emphasis on the general well-being of our environment.

Hospitality Career Opportunities

Career opportunities for HTM students emerge in three distinct but interconnected areas: tourism, hotel management and health care hospitality. The tourism concentration emphasizes sustainability, such as farm-to-table, ecotourism and agritourism. The hotel management concentration incorporates sustainability as its core. The health care hospitality concentration seeks to develop a new kind of professional who can contribute to traditional and nonprofit environments by complimenting the difficult work done by conventional medical staff.

St. Joseph's HTM students have worked in every corner of the industry, including hotels and resorts, restaurants, senior living residences, state and national parks, golf courses, cruise lines, convention centers, event planning offices, travel and tourism agencies, and ecotourism and agritourism organizations.

