Are My College Credits Going to Transfer Between Colleges?

Are My College Credits Going to Transfer Between Colleges?

Many students who are on the fence about transferring colleges have a lot of questions. Will my credits transfer between colleges? How to transfer my college credits? Do my college credits transfer?

The short answer is that, while every case is different, you’ll likely be able to transfer college credits between colleges if you satisfy certain conditions.

You’ll want to make sure that you received the credit relatively recently, that you scored reasonably well in the course, and that the college you wish to transfer to offers similar credits.

How many credits do I need to have in order to transfer colleges?

If you’ve completed fewer than 24 credits at your current college, you’ll need to submit your high school transcripts as well as your college grades in order to be considered for transfer at St. Joseph's University.

You can’t transfer more than 90 credits from your current college to St. Joseph’s, and some majors may require you to take a minimum number of credits at our college in order to be granted a degree.

Can I still transfer even if I don't have the required number of college credits?

You can still transfer to St. Joseph’s University from a regionally accredited four-year program even if you don’t have the required number of credits. As we mentioned above, you’ll need to submit your high school transcripts along with your college transcripts in order to be considered.

This is because we want to get a full and complete picture of your academic performance. That can be hard to do when you haven’t completed many college credits, which is why we ask for your high school transcripts as well.

Learn More About How Your College Credits Transfer to St. Joseph's University

Our admissions counselors can walk you through the process of transferring and answer any questions you may have.

Transfer to Brooklyn

Transfer to Long Island

Transfer to Online